Tourists find it difficult to pronounce the name of THIS Brazilian city

Any region of Brazil is a point tourist amazing for the gringos. When deciding their destination, of course, at least they learn a few simple words, such as “good morning”, “thank you” and among other small expressions. However, there is one Brazilian city in particular that is the hardest for gringos to pronounce – and rightly so! Check out the article and find out what it is.

Linguistic variations and the beauty of language

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Linguistic variation is something completely admirable. In Brazil, for example, there are several ways to speak the same Portuguese: some states show the 's' in the pronunciation, while other states change the 's' for an 'x' sound.

This is one of several observations of our language, as there is much more to be observed linguistically. With this, we understand that the differences in “speaking” are completely common, as every language has its variations.

Culture and region are predominantly exclusive factors for differences to be noticeable. Have you ever seen a foreigner trying to pronounce words in Brazilian Portuguese? If yes, you will understand very well!

Brazilian city difficult to pronounce

According to research analyzed by the WordTips, a website specializing in wordplay, the hardest name to pronounce is in southeastern Brazil.

They used data from a digital pronunciation dictionary and the city was ranked first in the searches. Any guesses? Make yours and let's go!

Rio de Janeiro, the wonderful city, owner of Christ the Redeemer, took first place in the difficulty of gringos! It was the city with the highest number of searches to learn how to speak, with seven million accesses.

Similar to the difficulty of pronouncing ‘Rio de Janeiro’, the singer’s name Anita, a born carioca, also fell in the grace of the gringos with the differentiated pronunciation. Changed to another name!

In the survey, Tokyo was in second place, followed by Chicago. In Europe, Porto, Portugal, guaranteed the great difficulty of pronunciation.

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