Main signs that can help you identify if a child has OCD

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD), according to research, is something that is becoming increasingly common among children and young people. Therefore, parents have to be increasingly aware of the impacts that this can have on their children, as this is the only way to help them. although many symptoms of this disorder are similar to those of other illnesses, there are important differences that parents need to be aware of.

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What is OCD?

OCD is a mental anxiety disorder characterized by recurrent bouts of obsessions or compulsions. In either case, even both. It is a condition where undesirable thoughts and images invade the person's mind without wanting to, generating compulsions that can be physical or mental acts. They are performed in response to obsessions with the intention of warding off threats.

Main signs and symptoms of a child with OCD

Often, the signs and symptoms of the disorder can end up being very similar to those of other very common diseases in children such as ADHD, autism and Tourette syndrome.

A child with OCD shows signs that involve recurring thoughts or images that are called obsessions. Among these symptoms, the main ones are usually:

  • Aggressive thoughts and impulses;
  • Difficulty pronouncing certain words;
  • Excessive concern with symmetry;
  • Indecision in everyday situations for fear that a wrong choice could trigger something very bad;
  • Excessive concern about germs, dirt, illness, etc.

How to deal with OCD?

Below we will cite very important tips to help you have a good management of the disorder. Just remembering that these tips are not a substitute for psychotherapeutic treatment!

  • Write down obsessive and unwanted thoughts;
  • Seek to reduce stress;
  • Prioritize your well-being;
  • Develop rituals or behaviors that help counteract these thoughts.
  • Avoid any situations that trigger your obsessions.

In addition, it is worth remembering that OCD can end up bringing several consequences for the signs that suffer from it. That's why it's so important to get informed about it and be aware of the signs.

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