Discover the 3 biggest mysteries of the human body

The human body can be considered a big machine, right? Very complex and full of “tools”, some of them are a true mystery, even for scientists. If you're the type of person who loves to discover curiosities about our species, this is the right article. see below what are the greatest mysteries of the human body and understand the explanation of science about the subject.

Read more: Ectomorph, Mesomorph and Endomorph: Find out what your body biotype is

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dominant hands

Did you know that only one in 10 people is left-handed? Although it is curious that the number of right-handers is much higher, the real mystery is why the vast majority of human beings have so much more motor skills with one hand or foot. According to researchers, this can happen due to the fact that the choice for one side is the result of more intricate wiring in the side of the brain that involves speech (which also requires skills motor).

However, this theory may have a problem, as some right-handed people control speech with their left side, while others are left-handed with their right.

the appendix

Did you know that the appendix is ​​a completely disposable organ? Just like the muscles that move our ears and wisdom teeth, they are just useless evolutionary leftovers in our bodies. Because of this, it is a very old object of study among doctors and biologists, who try to understand how it can be useful for our body.

In much of the research, some data suggest that it may help train the immune system during fetal development. However, there is not enough evidence for this theory.


Like the vast majority of mammals, women's breasts fill with milk when they need to feed a newborn. However, there are many questions about why they are permanently large in humans. According to scientists, they can serve for mating, becoming essential to attract males during evolution. After all, most of them have fat and not milk.

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