Is a tumor cancer?

It is very common to associate the word tumorto one cancer, a potentially dangerous disease. Nonetheless, not every tumor is cancer, therefore, a careful analysis of the material is necessary in order to obtain a correct diagnosis.
→ But, after all, what is a tumor?

We call the increase in volume in a part of the body a tumor.. This increase can happen due to the exaggerated growth of the number of cells and, in this case, it is called neoplasm.Neoplasms can be classified into benign or evil.

At benign neoplasms they are characterized by a cluster of cells very similar to the cells that produced them. Furthermore, in a benign tumor, the growth is organized, very slow and its limits are very clear. In these cases, the cells do not invade neighboring tissues and are unable to metastasize – spread to other parts of the body than where the tumor arose. It is noteworthy, however, that this type of tumor can compress the organs and tissues close to it.

At malignant neoplasms present cells with multiplication

rapid and abnormal and with different characteristics from the cells that originated them. In this case, tumors are poorly delimited and are capable of invading neighboring tissues and causing metastases.
→ What about cancer?

Cancer is a name used to describe over 100 diseases characterized by disorderly cell growth, that is, by the formation of tumors. However, in cancer, tumors with malignant features, that is, they are capable of invading neighboring organs and tissues and are formed by cells different from those of normal tissue, which undergo rapid growth and abnormal mitosis.
→ How is cancer formed?

When a normal cell suffers mutations that alter its genetic material, it starts to show a series of incorrect activities. These mutations can occur spontaneously or even because of exposure to carcinogens. Sometimes these mutations occur in genes called proto-oncogenes, which are inactive in a normal cell. When they are activated, they become oncogenes, which are responsible for the characteristics of a cancer cell.

The causes of cancer can be external or internal, and the two are related. External causes are related to lifestyle and environmental factors, and internal causes are genetically determined. It is estimated that, of all existing cancers, 90% are associated with external factors. Among these factors, we can mention smoking and exposure to sunlight.
→ Is cancer curable?

Currently, many types of cancer are curable, and the person can return to a completely normal life. For the treatment to be successful, however, it is essential that the diagnosis is made early and that the entire treatment is carried out properly. Periodic checkups can help save lives.
By Ma. Vanessa dos Santos

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