This app is capable of detecting AI-made essays

The ease of producing things over the internet allowed even texts to be generated by artificial intelligence (AI). With this, many use it to carry out academic work and the like, in order to reach the maximum grade. However, at the same time, new technologies are created to identify productions generated by AIs. What is the application case GPTZero. Check now how it works.

Text-generating artificial intelligence

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First, it is necessary to know a little about the AI ​​capable of generating texts similar to those of humans. In November 2022, OpenAI developed, in its research labs, the AI ​​known as ChatGPT.

Basically, the technology is based on another language processing AI that has the amazing ability to produce texts very close to ours. With that, several users used it to get hold of different productions, from music to computer codes and essays.

In this sense, several research papers and even articles were produced by GPT Chat, becoming a major academic problem.

The GPTZero

In contrast, 22-year-old college student Edward Tian, ​​majoring in computer science, brought the GPTZero application to market. The name of the creation already suggests its objective, which is to identify the productions made by ChatGPT.

Shortly after the launch of the app, it was already possible to count more than 30,000 users. Obviously, many were education professionals who used it to verify the authorship of their students' work. In fact, the teachers gave Edward very positive feedback, where they claimed to have a good experience and that it actually worked.

Furthermore, GPTZero has a kind of sensor whose function is to measure the level of complexity of a given production. From this, if the analyzed work is very complex, it is concluded that it was a human who produced it, otherwise, it is authored by an AI. Regarding access, it was guaranteed that users will be able to have a free version, thus being accessible to everyone for life.

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