Games made with the help of AI come to Steam, but results are not good

The advancement of technology also affects the world of games, with the creation of games with artificial intelligence. The Steam platform, considered the most popular for computer games, already offers a new game made with the help of technology, but the result is still not pleasing to all gamers. Keep reading and learn more about people's feedback on this game.

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The girl that doesn't exist

The game made based on AI is called The Girl Does Not Exist and its entire conception was thought to be made with the help of technology. From the visuals, to the songs and the story. As this is a newly released game, there aren't many reviews available on Steam yet. However, the only criticism made by a user so far is not positive for the game.

However, the creators of the game The Girl Does Not Exist, claim that designing a game with the aid of AI is very difficult. challenging, although it is essential to take advantage of the moment when technology is on the rise to offer new game options to the users.

The game's story, which is based on a dating relationship between the girl and another person, brought a challenge for creators, because it is necessary to generate images of the same person in different positions and situations miscellaneous.
According to the creator, you need to have that kind of fidelity to look like you're the same person in every scene. The creation of the images took place through trial and error, in order to obtain the same result in the different versions.

Reception by players is not positive

After having the game ready, the creators sent it to 250 youtubers with game channels to be able to present it to the public. But during the broadcast made by some of them, users did not like the part conceived with the help of AI. Phrases like “artificial intelligence will take jobs” and “bad game vibes” were said by some of those present in the live chat. However, the couple that created the game was not discouraged by the negatives and is already thinking about developing another game with the help of AI.

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