4 polite and smart ways to refuse alcohol

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Whether in winter or summer, social interactions often involve the consumption of alcoholic beverages, even though many people do not feel comfortable ingesting this type of product.

In any case, whatever your reason, this is a valid choice that must be respected. Also because more and more people are choosing to drink less alcohol in order to improve physical health, reduce the risk of cancer and minimize daily exposure to toxins.

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setting goals

If you have decided to drink less alcohol, it is important to set clear and achievable goals. The use of SMART goals (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant and Temporarily defined) can help you along this path.

For example, define how much you want to drink, on what occasions, in what context and for how long you want to reduce consumption. This will help you see clearly what “drinking less” means to you.

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That done, it's time to think about strategies to avoid falling into the temptations of drinking. One of the main ones is learning to decline invitations from other people to consume these drinks.

In this sense, it is important to be kind so as not to create a bad atmosphere, but to remain firm in your decision and transmit this certainty to other people.

4 smart ways to refuse drinks

Here are some tips that can help you say no while remaining elegant during moments of social interaction with other people:

1. “Thanks, but I already have a drink.”

A great alternative is to bring your own favorite beverage, and you can even share it with others.

With the increase in options for soft drinks available on the market, you can attend parties and social events without compromising your purpose.

2. “Thanks, but I'm satisfied for now.”

Express gratitude, but make it clear that you don't feel like drinking right now. It's a polite way to decline without creating discomfort. If the person insists, reinforce your position and state that you will not change your mind.

3. “Right now, I'd rather try something else.”

Ask for a non-alcoholic alternative that is available, such as juice, soda or even water. Most locations have alternatives to suit different preferences.

4. “Thank you for the invitation, but today I decided not to drink.”

Be polite and, if you feel comfortable, provide a reason for the refusal. While it's not necessary to explain your reasons, you can mention reasons such as health concerns, upcoming commitments, driving, or simply wanting to be fully in the moment.

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