Why do people get motion sickness while traveling?

For some people, the idea of ​​going on a boat trip or even horseback riding can be terrifying, as it can be a real encounter with nausea, dizziness and a cold sweat. Specialists begin to analyze the possible causes of these nausea and what should be done about it. See below the reason for nausea during the trips.

Studies on the cause of seasickness

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Nausea can appear in both children and adults, even dogs. Some studies suggest that more than half of people who ride in automobiles end up getting motion sickness along the way.

Surveys done by the Indian Navy, Icelandic fishermen and biologists South Carolina marines indicated that up to 80% of individuals who work on boats sometimes become seasick while traveling.

Andrea Bubka, a psychology professor at Saint Peter's University in New Jersey who has extensively studied motion sickness and its causes, said the following: “We are even seeing cybersickness these days, in people who look at their phones while in the car or when wearing glasses to a movie in 3D”.

Causes of travel sickness

Scientists cannot say with complete certainty why some people feel nauseous as soon as get on a boat, while several others can happily read books while traveling by boat or bus. car.

But scientists have a few theories about it. Many believe that motion sickness is caused by a sensory conflict, a certain discrepancy between what people see and what their bodies are experiencing. Marcello Cherchi, a neurologist at Northwestern University's Feinberg School of Medicine, said the the following on the subject: “Humans did not evolve to travel in space shuttles and use reality video games virtual".

This sensory conflict occurs when your body feels the waves of the sea or the sudden movement of a bus. Your eyes, ears and other senses cannot reach it. This can result in symptoms such as dry mouth, dizziness, stomach upset or headache.

What to do to avoid travel sickness

The best way to avoid getting travel sickness is to hydrate beforehand and keep the air fresh. flowing during the trip, for example opening the car window, or on cruise trips, going up to the deck of the ship.

It is important to be careful not to eat foods that cause stomach pain before the trip, or to eat too much (or too little), drinking alcohol or caffeine can also influence nausea during the trip.

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