How to study exact subjects in a practical way?

Like New High school, the regular school years are coming to an end. This means that exact subjects will be even more difficult.

Mathematics, Chemistry and Physics are subjects that become villains for many students, especially for those who prefer humanities subjects. For many, writing an essay is better than solving a calculation.

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The exact subjects are indispensable for the student's evolution during the school period. If you have difficulties studying these subjects, know that it is totally possible to reverse this situation. The last edition of PISA (International Student Assessment Program), in 2018, revealed that about 43.2% of students achieved below-average scores in calculus subjects. The worst performance ensured the highlight for Mathematics.

This is an observation that ceases to be personal and leaves for the national field. There are many justifications for the percentage presented, such as the low educational investment that Brazil presents. There are no firm constructions so that the student can guarantee himself in advanced questions. Exact subjects, when they cease to be practiced, fall into oblivion.

Thus, three professors of the Professor Ferretto online course – Michel Arthaud (Chemistry), Daniel Ferretto (Mathematics) and André Coelho (Physics) – listed tips on how to study the disciplines.

How to study exact subjects?


Generally, students who are not so fond of calculus prefer this subject. Of all, it is the one with the fewest calculations. Before knowing how to resolve issues, it is necessary to know how to interpret the information and discern the proposal. To understand Chemistry, pay attention in Portuguese classes!

Reading carefully is essential for solving the questions, regardless of having numbers or not. It is also essential to pay due attention to theory.


Having a base that allows you to study Physics is fundamental. For the subject, the important thing is to master mathematical calculations and have a good idea of ​​the content. Professionals guarantee that the subject must also be approached in a contextualized way, always being applied to life everyday.


The teacher indicates that the important thing is to have a good theoretical foundation to study Mathematics. Having a good contact with the concepts and understanding the reasoning of the calculations is indispensable.

The indication is to study the most basic calculations and transfer the knowledge to the more complex subjects. Build a solid foundation for dealing with issues big and small. For the vestibular, the important thing is to review the questions that have already been covered in previous tests and to perform simulations.

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