Is it necessary to register again to receive the increase in the Auxílio Brasil?

O Brazil Aid it is currently the most paid benefit for the population in a state of social vulnerability. This amount helps millions of families pay for expenses such as food, bills and clothing. Millions of Brazilians in a state of poverty and extreme poverty rely on this amount every month.

Read more: New law sanctioned by Bolsonaro allows loan to Auxílio Brasil

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The program underwent a change recently, through a PEC (Proposed Amendment to the Constitution), where there was a readjustment in their values ​​and new families were included in the payroll of this initiative.

Recently, the new payment schedule for the Auxílio Brasil of R$600 was announced, and the first installment with this amount began to be paid in August. From then on, many people wondered if it would be necessary to make a new registration to receive the new amount.

But the answer is no. There is no direct enrollment to receive this aid, as the process takes place through the Single Registry for Social Programs of the Federal Government. CadÚnico works as a database for this and other public benefits, so it is important to keep information up to date.

Families who meet the requirements must go to the nearest CRAS (Social Assistance Reference Center) and request the registration of their data. Once this is done, it is necessary to wait for the news of entry into the benefit, which occurs automatically, as soon as the data analysis is carried out by the Ministry of Citizenship.

Those who already meet these requirements should rest assured, as payment occurs automatically. One of the objectives of this benefit, according to the rules of the new PEC, is, in addition to the increase of R$ 200, to include more families on the payroll and try as much as possible to reduce the queue of applicants.

The queue for Auxílio Brasil will never cease to exist, as new people appear every month enrolling in CadÚnico. During the month of July, approximately 2 million people were expected to be included in the program. However, according to experts, making a higher payment and adding so many people to this benefit would be practically impossible. In addition, the country's economic situation may not support so much demand.

Many beneficiaries were also in doubt whether the payment of the amount of BRL 600 would continue, but the PEC guarantees the transfer of this increase only until December 2022. The initial proposal is that, as of January 2023, the value will return to R$ 400. However, this will depend on the president-elect in October running after (or not) maintaining the value with the increase.

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