Portal on investments was launched by the Ministry of Economy

It was defined that, from the 15th of September, the citizens and companies of the country and outsiders will be able to consult the situations of public and private investments in Brazil. The National Investment Committee of the Foreign Trade Chamber (CAMEX) also launched the Single Investment Information Portal.

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The platform brings together the main information and provides data on federal investment agencies. In the next step. The portal will also include links to state agencies that are part of the Direct Investment Ombudsman's (OID) Focal Points Network.

Even though it was made and intended for foreign audiences, the page can and even should be accessed by Brazilian investors. According to information also coming from CAMEX, the consultation mechanism is already in line with future transparency standards Agreement on Facilitating Investment for Development under negotiation at the World Trade Organization (WTO).

The consolidated information on the portal covers four major themes, which would be international agreements, investment facilitation, investment opportunities, legislation and regulation.

The data were compacted after several meetings were held with some bodies and agencies of the OID Focal Points Network, which ended up indicating the official links on each of the themes.

This work was coordinated by the Undersecretariat for Foreign Investments (SINVE) of CAMEX, which also received support from the Ministry of Infrastructure and the Special Secretariat for Public Investment Partnerships of the Ministry of Economy.

At the same meeting, the CAMEX National Investment Committee also approved an action plan on responsible business conduct, which is being called PACER. Compliance with certain guidelines and responsible business policies has become one of the main requirements for Brazil to be part of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD).

The plan devised by them aims to map public policies related to the topic, in order to improve consistency between them and also propose new actions. It was made based on plans developed by other countries, such as the United States and France.

According to information provided by the Ministry of Economy, the plan has a broader scope, as it includes guidelines for human rights, employment and labor relations, environment, anti-corruption, consumer interests and competition also.

This plan will approach some initiatives in which the State can promote responsible business conduct, such as some commercial and investments, export credit mechanisms and sustainable finance, not to mention some other not so relevant.

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