Central Bank: check new conditions for consulting forgotten values

A new query will be released soon for those who have “Amounts Receivable” by the Central Bank. This new period was due to the strike carried out by the servers. In addition, this query was updated, having reestablished rules and changing the current process settings. It is worth remembering that more than R$ 4.1 billion are still forgotten in the banks.

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Many still wonder where so much forgotten money comes from. The origin may be from current or savings accounts that have already been closed, but still have an available balance; tariffs and installments or obligations related to credit operations unduly charged; Unsought appeals relating to closed consortium groups; capital quotas and apportionment of net surpluses of beneficiaries and practitioners of credit cooperatives; among others.

To verify the money forgotten in the banks, it is necessary to access the new platform of the Central Bank. The consultation was scheduled to be released last Monday (2), however, it had to be postponed due to the civil servants' strike. If you haven't done so yet, go to the www.valoresareceber.bcb.gov.br website and consult the amounts receivable, using only the CPF number and date of birth.

How to query?

If there are still doubts about how to consult the forgotten money, check out the step by step below:

  • Access the website www.valoresareceber.bcb.gov.br on the previously informed date;
  • Log in;
  • Consult any of the options: amount to be received; the institution that must return the amount; the origin of forgotten money;
  • Click on the ′′ Request via here ′′ option to receive via Pix, or on the ′′ Request via institution ′′ option to contact and arrange which institution of your choice will be.

It is worth mentioning that the system established some changes after the completion of the first redemption phase. In view of this, those who did not have amounts to be received in the first stage should consult the system again, as the data will be updated and new resources may be available.

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