Lula says that vaccination of children will be mandatory for Bolsa Família

Last Monday (6), President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva (PT) confirmed that vaccination of children will again be mandatory for families who enroll in Bolsa Família. Auxílio Brasil, which replaced Bolsa Família in the Bolsonaro government (PL), had withdrawn the obligation.

According to the president, in order to maintain the social benefit, the program will also require that children be enrolled in schools and that pregnant women undergo complete prenatal care.

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“Bolsa Família returns with something important: constraints. First, children up to 6 years old will receive R$ 150 reais more; second; the children have to be at school, otherwise the mother loses help; third; the child has to be vaccinated, if he does not have a vaccination certificate, the mother loses the benefit; fourth, if the mother is pregnant, she has to do all the exams that medicine requires, ”he says.

Lula made the statement during the inauguration of the ophthalmology and diagnosis units at the Super Centro Carioca de Saúde, in Benfica, in the city of Rio de Janeiro.

The president also criticized the position of former president Jair Bolsonaro to encourage the population not to get vaccinated during the Covid-19 pandemic. “I had never imagined that a President of the Republic would be capable of blatantly lying about the benefits of the vaccine, involving religion, involving the most vulnerable people. poor, saying that if people took the vaccine, it would become this or that, that is, there was no lie that was not told to prevent people from not taking the vaccine”, declare.

In his speech, Lula made an appeal for children to be vaccinated. “For God's sake, we can't be ignorant to the point of thinking we don't have to take a vaccine. A mother who doesn't take her child to get the polio vaccine, I keep asking myself what kind of love is this. Today, in addition to propaganda, it is necessary to convince people. It is necessary to convince the father and mother that a child has to be vaccinated for the good of the child and for the good of the family”, points out the president.

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