Theodoric I the Great

Italian monarch of uncertain origin, but who would have lived his childhood in Constantinople, creator of the kingdom Italy's Ostrogoth, the largest of the Germanic principalities established in the territory of the former Roman Empire of Western. He succeeded his father, the Ostrogoth chief Theodomiro, at his death (471) and established his nation in Lower Mesia, today Bulgaria, where he maintained constant hostile relations with another group of Ostrogoths, led by Theodoric Strabo. Appointed patrician and consul by the Roman emperor Zeno, he was sent to Italy (488) to overthrow the Germanic chief Odoacer and rule the peninsula in his name.
Accompanied by his people, about a hundred thousand people, he reached Italy (489) and finally, in Ravenna, eliminated his rival (493), practically becoming the king of Italy for about 33 years. He came to be recognized as the main sovereign of the West, although theoretically he owed political allegiance to the Roman emperor.

Surrounded by Roman advisers, he developed a government, based in Ravenna, marked by lasting peace in the region carefully guarded through the valorization of imperial traditions and institutions and of the strict but harmonious separation between Goths and Romans, allowing, for example, the coexistence of Christianity and Arianism professed by the Goths, but in confrontations with the Roman Church arrested Pope John I, who died in prison.

Approved a set of sentences based on Roman laws, the Edict, with the purpose of submitting both peoples to the same law, however he kept his army composed only of Ostrogoths and forbade the carrying of arms to the Romans. He died in Ravenna leaving the independent reign to his grandson Amalaric (526-531). A sad note of his reign was the execution (524) of the philosopher Boethius, his former adviser.

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