Gas allowance of R$ 110.00 ends in December this year; understand

In this month, who is entitled to benefit from the Gas Allowance will not be receiving the installments with the values. However, as the benefit is paid every two months, transfers will be made again in October.

For this year, the amount of the benefit will always be paid in even months, together with the installments of the Brazil Aid, which is based on the end of the Social Registration Number (NIS).

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As in the month of August, the value of the Gas Aid benefit will be 100% of national average price of the 13 kg cylinder of cooking gas, and no longer the 50% paid at the beginning of this year.

In August, Auxílio Gás was paid to a total of 5.6 million people, in the amount of R$ 110.00. This will also be the amount paid for the benefit until the end of 2022, that is, in October and December. For next year, at the beginning of January 2023, families will once again receive the old amount, which was paid at the beginning, of 50% of the 13 kg gas cylinder.

To find out if you are entitled to receive the benefit, you must comply with these rules:

  • Families that are enrolled in the Single Registry (CadÚnico) and that have a monthly family income per person less than or equal to half the national minimum wage (R$ 606.00);
  • Families that have a member residing in the same household who is receiving the BPC, where they already receive a monthly amount of R$ 1,212, for the disabled or elderly person aged 65 or over who can prove that they are not able to support their family or themselves same.

This law defines that the amount of the aid will be released preferably for families with women who are victims of domestic violence and are under monitoring of some protective measure of urgency.

Gas Aid payments, as we mentioned earlier, are made every two months, that is, in the months pairs of the year, on the same date of payment of the amount of the Auxílio Brasil, which is based on the final number of the NIS. Because of this, it is important to always keep an eye on the date of the next payments. Check the benefit payment schedule for October below:

  • Final NIS 1 – October 18;
  • Final NIS 2 – October 19;
  • Final NIS 3 – October 20;
  • Final NIS 4 – October 21;
  • Final NIS 5 – October 24;
  • Final NIS 6 – October 25;
  • Final NIS 7 – October 26;
  • Final NIS 8 – October 27;
  • Final NIS 9 – 28 October;
  • Final NIS 0 – October 31st.

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