Controversial ads that fast food chains would like to forget

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Some companies have gone through certain unpleasant situations because of their commercials. These situations still circulate on the internet today. In view of this, it is super important that the productions of advertisements are thought out before they can harm you when they are made available to the public. See ads that caused controversy.

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The consequences of a poorly produced commercial can directly affect the commercialization of products or services of a company, especially if they are not of good quality, but result in a low percentage of sales. Check out some situations that were real and harmed some brands.

Discover some serious examples

1. Buguer King and his “Moldy Whopper” hamburger

One of the best known is that of Burger King, more specifically in production of a commercial about a launch of its “Moldy Whopper” burger. The intention was to show that its ingredients were natural and that, over time, they decompose. But the shot backfired and made people give up consuming the product.

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2. Carl's Jr. “Border Ball”

Another example was Carl's Jr. They intended to advertise their Tex-Mex product. The titled name of the product is “Border Ball”. The way chosen to advertise was seen by many customers as a way to objectify the body. feminine, as the women appear half-naked and spraying water on their bodies to call the attention.


Still in this ad, the men present in the commercial stare at the women with a mean and lascivious look, something that often embarrass real-life women, especially by making many situations very inconvenient. The consequences were the same: sales dropped and customers criticized the commercial a lot until they took it off the air.

Thinking about the consequences of these examples, it is important to emphasize the importance of being careful with production and ideas for advertisements. You need to think about how people can understand commercials.

3. McDonald's "Dead Dad" Commercial

In 2017 it was aired an advertisement in the United Kingdom of the famous fast food chain, McDonald's. In an attempt to sell fast food and at the same time touch the hearts of viewers, the famous food chain debuted a commercial where a boy asks his mother about his deceased father, then the two head to McDonald's and order a fish sandwich - the favorite of your father.


But the public didn't like the way they tried to capitalize on the pain of grief as a way to sell hamburgers. After the controversy, the fast food chain withdrew the ad.

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