With a focus on employees, companies adhere to travel startup

A platform was created to help companies offer their employees a benefit which has been one of the biggest dreams of Brazilian workers: travel.

Operating in the market for less than two years, Vacation&Co. already has more than 400,000 accommodations here and in the rest of the world. The company defines a fixed value to be able to award and recognize employees every month, through of a monthly fee, and this employee receives total autonomy to use the value in any way he wishes.

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We talked to one of the people benefiting from the startup, Alessandra Bandeira, who took advantage of a vacation itinerary in the month December of last year to travel the Northeast with her husband, thus being able to celebrate the birthday of marriage. The trip was fully funded by the technology company she is working for.

It is through a benefits platform that everything works on trips chosen by companies and offered to their employees. The idea came from Bruno Carone, who founded the startup to offer the services in early 2020.

The minimum amount paid by companies is R$ 90 per month, reverted in credits. From there, tickets and accommodation can be purchased for the employee and his family, and all according to the employee's choice in the startup system itself. Another advantage of this is that hotels offer some exclusive promotions for users.

Around 50 companies currently use the service of the travel and accommodation startup, and approximately 5,000 employees benefit from the initiative.

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