The Federal Revenue Service is responsible for administering federal taxes and customs control. It is this body that collects taxes and contributions, both from individuals and legal entities. Until 2019, the Federal Revenue belonged to the Ministry of Finance, but became part of the Ministry of Economy, created by President Jair Bolsonaro.
For know if you owe something to the IRS, it is important to know the consulting services that the government offers to all Brazilian citizens. With this, it becomes possible to discover and prevent your name from entering the Registry list. Informative in Creditsnopaid off of the Sector Public Federal (Cadin), or as it is popularly known, the “dirty name”.
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because of this debt with the public system, people who owe the Federal Revenue are restricted from several rights until they pay what they owe. Some examples of these impediments are: collection of fines and interest, credit and loan limitations,
registerin CPF togetherto the organs of protection to the credit like Serasa,in between others.Read more: IRS auctions smartphones; Apple and Xiaomi are the main brands
How to consult to find out if you have debts with the IRS?
Through PortalinservicesIt isInformation of Brazil,ofFederal Government, it is possible to access information on debts, fines and tax pending. In this case, the person can better understand their situation before the Federal Revenue Service, and also with the Public Prosecutor's Office.–General from theFarm National (PGFN).
This service provides citizens' registration information, as well as a fiscal diagnosis of recent years, as if it were an "invoice" that is issued when a purchase is made.
How to clear your name?
For payyour debts, you he can requestthe emission from Darf and ReportinTax Status, in order to check your default or other situations that may have been pointed out by the Government.
Available at theportal e-Cac, youusersthey canto obtainthe service in formimmediate and free. You enter the site, access the system and navigate through the side menu, so you can check your situation.
In general, the service is available to individuals and judicialcontributors of the Federal Revenue.In thatcase, énecessaryto supplydata personal information such as CPF or CNPJ.
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