Careful! These 5 Daily Habits Could Be Killing Your Feet

Our feet are an important part of our body and deserve special care. However, we often end up adopting some habits that can harm them without even realizing it. So we brought you some tips for you to pay more attention in everyday life. Continue reading and check it out.

5 habits that could be killing your feet

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wear inappropriate shoes

Did you know that shoestoo tight or too loose can cause blisters, calluses and even foot deformities? Therefore, this is one of the main daily habits that can harm our feet. In addition, inadequate footwear, that is, without proper support and cushioning, can cause pain in the ankles and knees.

The solution is to choose shoes that are comfortable and suitable for the activities you are going to do.

Walking barefoot in public places

Walking barefoot in public places like swimming pools, saunas and locker rooms might seem like a good idea. to feel more comfortable and at ease, but in fact it is a habit that is quite harmful to your health. This is because these places are frequented by many people and can be sources of fungi and bacteria that can cause foot infections.

To avoid problems, use slippersor sandals in public places, to avoid direct contact of the feet with the ground. In addition, it is important to keep your feet clean and dry to avoid the accumulation of sweat and moisture that can favor the proliferation of fungi and bacteria.

Not moisturizing your feet

Another daily habit that can harm our feet is not hydrating them properly. The skin on the feet is naturally drier than the skin on other parts of the body, so it needs special care to stay healthy and hydrated.

The solution to this problem is to hydrate your feet daily, using a foot-specific moisturizing cream.

In addition, it is important to avoid using products that can dry out the skin on your feet, such as common soaps and very hot water.

Not cutting nails properly

Cutting your toenails improperly can cause problems like ingrown toenails and infections. It is important to cut your toenails straight, without rounding the corners, to prevent them from digging into the skin.

Always use a specific foot nail clipper. And avoid cutting your nails too short!

Don't Stretch Your Feet

Many people forget to stretch their feet, which can lead to muscle aches and pains. Stretching your feet can help not only prevent pain, but also improve flexibility and blood circulation.

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