Know how to identify the signs of abusive communication on WhatsApp

O Whatsapp It is one of the main means of contact between family, friends and co-workers. When people cannot be physically around, it is through messages that they communicate and thus become closer to each other.

However, it is necessary to be very careful, because just as there are abuses in real communications, the “simple” conversations on the application can also mask these situations.

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Follow the text and find out how to identify signs of abusive communication on WhatsApp.

Read too: Is it possible to know if someone blocked me on WhatsApp?

Abuse behind a cell phone screen

It is estimated that 50% of 18- to 30-year-olds have experienced some form of cyberbullying. Among them are manipulation, control, surveillance and other forms of abuse that are exercised by chats.

Most of them occur on one of the social networks most used by young people: WhatsApp. That's because, in addition to easy access, most people have an account, after all, it's the easiest way to communicate today.

The problem, however, is how these kinds of abusive behaviors can be dealt with. directed at people with whom any kind of bond is shared, including relationships romantic. Check out some forms of abuse.

Some abusive behavior on WhatsApp

  • quick answers

There are many jokes about this on the internet, about the need to respond to people immediately. However, this should not be taken as a rule, after all, everyone has a life beyond the screen, and not answering the message at the same time does not mean a lack of priorities.

  • Surveillance

Some people also ask their partners to send them pictures of where they are and what they are doing at a certain time of day to verify that the other is really telling the truth. This behavior seeks to exercise control over the partner's life and relationships.

  • sexting

It consists of the act of a person forcing the partner to send messages or videos with explicit content or participate in conversations with a sexual nature, without the other wanting to.

  • send location

Some people tend to seek control over their partner by asking them to send their location. This is a way of making sure where he is going, masking abuse with the excuse of being proof that the other is not being unfaithful.

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