Alarming: Hong Kong star drinks 20 cups of coffee a day

61-year-old Chinese actor, singer and producer Andy Lau was in a program of local TV to publicize his most recent work, “Terra à Deriva 2”. Accompanied by professional colleague Wu Jing and director Frant Gwo, who also worked on the film, the star made controversial revelations about his eating habits.

Hong Kong star overindulges in caffeine

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At one point in the participation, Jing, who was also in the first film, said that the large amount of coffee consumed by the actors and director was the only constant between the two films. At that moment, Andy Lau asked which of the two drank more coffee.

Director Frant replied that he consumes between five and six cups of coffee daily while Lau said he drinks more than 20 cups a day, which startled the audience and Jing, who asked if the actor's youthful appearance was a result of consuming that much caffeine daily, joking.

Andy Lau justified himself, saying that: “Drinking other drinks doesn't work, and I can't have cold drinks (…) my family scolds me for drinking coffee. I can't have coffee at home, so I like to work”. While most people experience negative effects from drinking too much coffee, such as nausea, a racing heart and shakiness, the actor said his experience is the complete opposite of this.

The artist drinks a lot of coffee because it calms him down. He even said that the drink hypnotizes him.

In addition to the large amount ingested throughout the day, the Hong Kong star usually has a cup of the drink even before bed. According to him, it is to relax.

The actor has been a vegetarian for nine years. When asked about his diet, he had this to say: “As long as it doesn't have meat, I eat it. I use vegetable oil for cooking and try to eat very little overly sweet or salty food.” He also combines this diet with the practice of exercises physical and daily runs.

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