According to Harvard researchers, THIS is the perfect music for concentration

When it's about music, its impact goes beyond entertainment. She can be an ally to improve concentration, even for those who face attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.

Faced with musical diversity and individual preferences, the question arises: how to choose the best music for yourself?

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The answer is not simple and, recently, researchersfrom Harvard found that there is not just one music genre that works for everyone when it comes to increasing brainpower and improving concentration.

Each person is unique, with different tastes and emotional responses to music. Therefore, it's important to explore and experiment with different music styles to find what works best for you.

A ‘familiar’ song can help with concentration

According to a controlled study by a Harvard musician and neuroscientist, the use of familiar music, that is, those you like and which you know well tend to be more effective in promoting concentration.

Still according to study, which was carried out in 2018, trained family music activates various respiratory regions related to movement, which results in increased focus and concentration.

The secret is in the very familiarity with the music, which allows for a deeper connection, in order to make one sing along and feel the rhythm of the song in the body. This pleasurable anticipation of what's to come is facilitated by the fact that we've heard the music before.

Different researchers also explored the effects of music for the moment of the study, concluding that the type of music that most positively influences is the so-called soft fast, characterized by songs like “I’m Yours”, by Jason Mraz, and others similar to this rhythm.

On the other hand, it has been observed that fast, too smooth or electronic musical styles can harm the learning process.

The similarity between so many studies that have focused on this topic only reaffirms that music manages to exert great influence in various areas of human life.

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