Find out how to register for Fies 2023

besides the sisu (Unified Selection System) and ProUni (University for All Program), MEC (Ministry of Education) released the registration calendar for Fies (Student Financing Fund). Understand here how to apply for the program in the year 2023.

Read more: Government announces new rules for reducing FIES debts

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Registration for Fies 2023

Earlier this month, the Federal Government announced that the Fies schedule would begin with the publication of the selection notices in January. All information regarding the selection process, such as dates, rules, requirements and fees, will be available in the announcements. The registration period will be from March 14th to 17th, and the result is scheduled for March 21st.

The forecast is that in the next few days the number of vacancies for Prouni, Fies and Sisu for next year will be announced. The enrollment criteria for selection is the Enem grade, which can be from 2022 or previous years. The choice of which one to use is up to the student.

What is Fies?

Fies is a Federal Government program founded in 1999 by the Ministry of Education, with the aim of serving as a student financing for those who wish to enter a university that is registered in the system.

Therefore, it is possible to obtain full or partial funding of the tuition fee of the desired university. At the end of the course, the payment of the loan will incur interest, but it can be done in installments.

New for 2023

The big news for the year 2023 is that, due to the economic crisis in which Brazil finds itself, many people will receive up to 99% discount on their financing debt. The discount percentage will be defined according to some rules. Are they:

  • Application must be made between September 1 and December 30, 2022;
  • Those who are not in arrears will receive a 12% discount;
  • Those who are 90 days late will have their fines 100% forgiven, 12% discount on the total debt financing, and will still have the possibility to divide it into up to 150 installments, with a minimum value of 200 reais each;
  • Those who are more than a year late, but are registered with CadÚnico and received Emergency Aid, may have up to 92% of their debt forgiven;
  • Those with more than 5 years of late payments will receive a 99% discount on their debt.
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