Habits of the happiest country in the world, Finland!

A Finland holds the title of the happiest country in the world for 5 years in a row, according to the World Happiness Report. This assessment takes into account several factors, such as: GDP per capita, healthy life expectancy, freedom, population generosity, notions of corruption and social support. In the 2022 report, people from 156 countries rated their lives today on a scale of 0 to 10, with 0 being the worst case scenario. A psychologist analyzed 3 habits absent in most of the country's population, which is considered the happiest in the world. He check:

Customs avoided in the happiest country in the world

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1. They don't compare to their neighbors

There is a famous phrase by a Finnish poet, which says: "don't compare or flaunt your happiness to other people". And Finns take it very seriously, especially when it comes to material possessions or displays of wealth.

It is quite common to see rich people in Finland using public transport instead of buying their own car or even a private driver. In Finland, judging by your appearance, it's very difficult to tell if you're successful or not, after all, they don't like to show it to others.

tip fromhappiness: Focus on what makes you happy, not what makes you look successful. The best way to discover happiness true is to find your own standards of happiness, so avoid comparing yourself to others.

2. They don't exploit nature's benefits

According to a survey done in 2021, 87% of Finns see the importance of nature for its ability to provide peace of mind, promote relaxation and energy. There, employees are entitled to 4 weeks of vacation from work, and most use it to travel to the countryside and stay in touch with nature.

For them, the less technology, like electricity or cars, the better the rest. In addition, in Finland, there is a great preservation of forests, therefore, most of the houses are built close to natural environments.

tip of happiness: Spend more time in nature, as this can increase your vitality and well-being. Also try to add more green elements to your life, take care of your garden or even buy small plants in jars.

3. Don't break the community's circle of trust

Research shows that the higher the level of trust between people in a country, the higher the level of happiness of the population. A social experiment, in which a wallet was dropped in the middle of the street, evaluated the level of honesty and security in several countries.

In one town in Finland, 11 out of 12 dropped desks were returned to their owners. Finns have a high degree of honesty and trust in each other. There, it is very likely that, if you forget a personal object, such as a notebook, cell phone or whatever the object is, the person who finds it will certainly return it. This is a lesson taught to children from an early age, so from the moment they learn to take public buses and start going to school on their own, they have this social conscience. So they can play outdoors without the need for adult supervision. Wonderful, isn't it?

tip of happiness: Think about ways you can build more trust within your community, or even your family. Support public policies that encourage trust among citizens. Everything starts with small acts. That is, acts such as giving up your seat on public transport to elderly or pregnant women, or opening doors for strangers. It's little things that change the environment you're in. Thus, you will start to make a difference to the world.

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