Attention, student: Ministry of Education announces vacancies for SiSU

The Unified Selection System (SiSU) for the first half of 2023 will have more than 222,000 vacancies for students who want to enter public higher education, according to the Ministry of Education (MEC). Despite being held twice a year, this information only refers to the first edition of the year to come.

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Vacancies destined for SiSU are finally announced

This first selection will only be carried out in relation to students who participated in the National High School Examination (Enem) in that year of 2022. In this way, the student who did not complete the writing test of the contest can register in SiSU 2023/1, provided that he has not taken the test only as a trainee.

Enem 2022 took place on November 13th and 22nd, its tests were applied by Inep. Students who were unable to take the test due to a logistical problem or illness will have the chance to take it on January 10th and 11th, 2023. The notes are expected to be released on February 13.

It should be clarified that it is the responsibility of the higher education bodies that participate in SiSU to define the weight assigned to the Enem tests, depending on the course.

According to the Ministry of Education, the expected schedule is this:

  • Registrations: From February 28 to March 3;
  • Result of the regular call: March 7;
  • Deadline for enrollment of students summoned in the first call: to define;
  • Deadline to express interest in the waiting list: to define;
  • Calling the waiting list by universities: to define.

In this way, the students interested in participating in SiSU must register completely free of charge through the Single Portal for Access to Higher Education on the date mentioned above.

In addition, the public notice with all the information regarding the process is expected to be published by the Ministry of Education in February of next year.

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