FIES opened enrollment for the second half of 2019, this Tuesday (25)

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Applications for the second half of 2019 Student Financing Fund (FIES) started this Tuesday (25). The application deadline is July 1st.

The program aims to facilitate the permanence of students in private universities, through funding.

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According to the Ministry of Education, 150,000 contracts will be offered. Of these, 50 thousand without interest rate. These fall under the “FIES” modality, aimed at students with a family monthly per capita income of up to three minimum wages.

The second modality, “P-Fies”, is aimed at students with a per capita income of up to 5 minimum wages. According to the financing bank, the interest rates can be relatively low.

How to register for FIES?

Entries can be made by the site:

Afterwards, just enter the CPF, date of birth and the verification code that appears on the screen itself.

Enrollment will only continue if the candidate obtains a sufficient score in the National High School Examination (Enem), i.e., it is necessary to have taken the Enem from 2010 onwards, not having written to zero and reaching 450 points in the arithmetic average of the evidences.

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check out the ANDFIES announcement 2nd Semester 2019

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