Believe me, it's possible: learn how to retire without paying the INSS

This alternative seeks to benefit low-income people, that is, it is so that they can have a fixed income when they decide to retire. retire, even without having contributed to Social Security, which is one of the requirements to guarantee the benefit. Want to know more about this new alternative? We have important information right below.

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For context, it is worth noting that retirement is a guaranteed resource only for those workers who contribute to Social Security during their professional life. In other words, those who never paid any fee would not have access to the benefit, which would make them live an old age without resources.

This is a scenario feared by most people, as there is no way to live without a fixed monthly amount, especially if we are talking about the working class who do not have investments or savings. In summary, even after retiring, these people would have to continue working or looking for some other way to guarantee an income to survive. The scenario is worrying, therefore, this initiative was created.

There needs to be a way to help low-income citizens who find themselves in situations like this.

How does this initiative work?

The population in question that does not meet the main requirement mentioned above or does not have the specified age (20 years of contribution and 65 years of age for men; 15 years of contribution and 62 years of age for women), can count on the Continuous Cash Benefit (BPC). The requirements for this are: being over 65 years old, belonging to a low-income family or being a person with a disability who comes from vulnerable households.

If you meet these requirements for the BPC, you will need to prove that your per capita family income is less than or equal to one quarter of the minimum wage. In addition, it is also necessary that you have an active registration in the Single Registry (CadÚnico), which can be done at any Social Assistance Reference Center (CRAS).

It is from this process that you will receive payment referring to a basic remuneration per month, but it will not receive a thirteenth salary nor will it generate a death pension for its descendants.

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