Man dies after contracting monkey virus in China

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A news item involving a different virus caught the attention of readers on the internet. A man died after contracting the virus from a monkey. The case would have happened China, country of origin of the new coronavirus.

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The information was widely publicized by the world press. He was a Chinese veterinarian who worked at an institute specializing in primate reproduction. The man would have dissected two monkey bodies before contracting the mysterious virus.

After the pathogen was identified as monkey B virus (herpes B). Thus, it is important to reassure readers, as this is an extremely rare microorganism.

Herpes B is often lethal to humans, despite being present in some animals. When a person comes into contact with the virus, it attacks the central nervous system. Therefore, it causes acute inflammation in the brain, leading to fainting and coma situations.

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If the disease is not diagnosed in time, mortality in humans reaches 80%. However, the herpes B virus infects men and women who come into contact with:

  • Monkey eye contact;
  • Contact with monkey nose;
  • Contact with monkey mouth;
  • If they are bitten or scratched by monkeys.

Even so, the virus can only be transmitted if, by chance, the primate is infected. Thus, it is a very rare infection.

Herpes B

As explained, herpes B directly attacks the brain and the meninges (membranes that surround the brain). Sometimes, the infection can affect the spinal cord, and severe damage can leave permanent scars.

Symptoms of the disease include:

  • Severe headache;
  • Irritability;
  • Vomiting;
  • Somnolence;
  • Sensitivity to light;
  • Difficulty swallowing;
  • Locking;
  • Incontinence;
  • Decreased or increased skin sensations.

Although there are efficient treatments when the diagnosis is quick, prevention is the best medicine. If you come into contact with a possibly infected primate, immediately go to a health center.

If you suffer any injury from contact with the primate or other animals, wash the area well. Use soap and water in abundance, rubbing the wound gently for 15 minutes.

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