Bahrain. Bahrain Data

Located in the Middle East, the small territory of Bahrain is formed by 36 islands located in the Persian Gulf, close to Saudi Arabia and Qatar. Of these 36 islands, only three are uninhabited (Barein, Umm Nassam and Al Muharraq). Approximately 25% of the population is made up of Pakistanis, Afghans and Indians, as well as Americans and British employed by oil companies.

Despite its small territorial extension, Bahrain stands out in the world economy, as it was the first country to discover, explore and export oil in the Middle East. However, oil, the main responsible for the national economy, may run out in the first half of this century.
Oil was discovered in 1932, since then this product has become the main element of Bahrain's economy. Oil exploration accounts for 60% of the country's exports and represents 30% of the country's Gross Domestic Product (GDP).
Bahrain is also notable for its large number of transnational companies, in addition to being an international banking and financial center. Due to the real possibility of depleting oil reserves, Bahrain has diversified its economy as a way to reduce dependence on oil. In this sense, the country is industrializing in the chemical, naval, cement and aluminum industries.

Bahrain Coat of Arms

Bahrain Data:
Territorial extension: 678 km².
Location: Middle East.
Capital: Manama.
Climate: Arid tropical.
Government: Constitutional Monarchy.
Administrative division: 12 regions.
Language: Arabic (official), English.
Religion: Islam 83.4%, Christianity 9.5% (independents 1.9%, Catholics 5.7%, others 1.9%), Hinduism 6.3%, no religion 0.2%, others 0.6 %.
Population: 791,473 inhabitants. (Men: 454,152; Women: 337,321).
Ethnic Composition: 63% Bahraini Arabs, 12% Arabs, 25% Afghans, Pakistanis and Indians.
Demographic density: 1,167 inhab/km².
Average annual population growth rate: 2%.
Population residing in urban areas: 88.56%.
Population residing in rural areas: 11.14%.
Life expectancy at birth: 75.4 years.
Infant mortality (per thousand live births): 10 deaths.
Illiteracy rate: 11%.
Human Development Index (HDI): 0.801 (very high).
Currency: Bahrain Dinar.
Gross Domestic Product (GDP): 15.8 billion dollars.
GDP per capita: $26,127.
External relations: World Bank, IMF, WTO, UN.

By Wagner de Cerqueira and Francisco
Graduated in Geography
Brazil School Team

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