Did you know? College students have THESE rights and benefits

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Everyone knows that the period of graduation, technologist or graduate is not easy at all, and involves challenges and difficulties that sometimes discourage the journey. Therefore, some institutions, public and private, invest in rights for university students who actually help in this step. In fact, some of them are very well known, while others not so much.

See here which are the main benefits for college students.

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Right to readjust the value of monthly fees

It is very important that you pay attention to this right if you are a student at a private higher education institution. This is because, according to Law 9,870/99, universities and colleges in general cannot impose tuition adjustments in any way.

The text determines that every readjustment must take into account the amounts charged for the previous year or semester, in a non-abusive manner. Therefore, in case of arbitrary and unjustifiable increases, any student can file a lawsuit.

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Change in the curriculum

Still in the understanding that institutions must commit to not harming the student, it is worth talking about changes in the curriculum. After all, it is the student's right to be aware of any change in the schedule and to participate in the decision to change it. In this way, students are prevented from experiencing delays in training or being harmed in any way by decision of the university.

discounts on subscriptions

One advantage of being a university student that usually cheers up this group is the possibility of discounts on subscriptions to information services or programming. For example, Folha de São Paulo, one of the largest newspapers in the country, has a 50% discount program for university students.

As well as the Adobe Package, responsible for programs such as Photoshop, DreamWeaver and Illustrator, which also guarantee a discount on subscriptions. Not to mention music streaming services such as Spotify and Mubi, which also help students by charging a lower subscription fee.

Half price in cultural events

Culture is also a very important right for all citizens, and the State needs to guarantee access to this sphere of society. Thus, university students, who usually pay a lot for their studies, get half-price tickets to concerts, plays, cinemas and much more. For this, it is enough to have documentation that proves any link with the institution.

half ticket

To alleviate the difficulty of commuting during graduation, the student can count on the right to the Single Ticket. Thus, he can get subway or bus tickets for half the price and, in some cases, even free.


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