Approved at R$ 400, Chamber decides on the permanent minimum amount of the Brazil Aid

Last week, after voting in the plenary, the Chamber of Deputies approved the Provisional Measure (MP) that aims to increase the permanent minimum value of the Brazil Aid to R$ 400. The accepted text turned the amount presented into the benefit floor. After this process, the project is now being analyzed by the Federal Senate, which has until May 16 to give a verdict.

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How does the benefit work?

Today, the payment of Auxílio Brasil is divided into two installments, one of which is permanent, in which the average amount is BRL 224, and the other is temporary, which is equivalent to the amount needed to reach BRL 400.

The temporary part of the benefit would end in December 2022. However, after opposition from party leaders, the proposal's rapporteur, deputy João Roma (PL-BA), decided to include the permanent portion of the extra allowance, with an addition to the amount of the Brazil Aid until reaching a minimum of R$ 400 per group familiar.

The new minimum floor

After the approval of the Proposal for Amendment to the Constitution (PEC) of the Precatories, the established floor of the Brazil Aid was, finally, made possible. The project aims to ensure that every Brazilian citizen who is in a situation of social vulnerability is entitled to a basic income from the government.

According to what was stipulated, the government will need around R$ 41 billion annually to be able to comply with the payment of the supplementary benefit. This amount is almost equal to the amount used to pay the Brazil Aid, of approximately R$ 47.5 billion.

In addition, the Ministry of Economy ensures that the increase in the floor to R$ 400 is within the expenditure budget for this year. The new minimum floor is also already included in the fiscal targets set for 2023, so there is no spending limit for the approval of the measure in the Senate.

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