'Mad cow' in Pará: beef exports to China are suspended

The Ministry of Agriculture reported that the export of beef to China has been suspended. The communiqué was issued on the night of Wednesday, 22nd, when confirmation of the illness of the Crazy Cow in the state of Pará. The Asian country is the biggest buyer of meat from Brazil, so it cannot take any chances.

This suspension only complies with health measures, as indicated in the note that stated that the consumer is not at risk. The ministry also informed that there are conversations between the countries so that, soon, the Brazilian meat trade will return to activity. The case was reported to the World Organization for Animal Health (WHOA). In addition, confirmation samples were sent to the institution's laboratory.

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Mad cow disease confirmed in Brazil

Now, with details about mad cow disease, the group reported that the disease was confirmed in a 9-year-old animal in Marabá (PA). Age, for cattle, is considered advanced. The pasture of which the animal was part is prohibited. The ox had to be incinerated on the farm itself so that the disease could be quickly controlled.

Only after WHOA's analysis will the answers on the case become clear. That is, when it is confirmed whether there are risks of transmission or whether it was an isolated case.

Carlos Fávaro, Minister of Agriculture, stressed that due care is being taken.

“All measures are being taken immediately at each stage of the investigation, and the matter is being handled with care. total transparency to guarantee Brazilian and global consumers the recognized quality of our meat”, he said in note.

Last cases happened in 2021

It is not the first time that Brazil suspends the export of beef. In September 2021, sales were suspended due to two contaminations that were identified in Mato Grosso and Minas Gerais. After that, no more cases of mad cow disease were registered.

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