Detective moment: learn how to find out whose WhatsApp number is

Curious to know whose number called you, or sent messages on WhatsApp? First, you need to follow some steps so that this can work. So start by adding the number to your phonebook. From there you will be able to view the account picture and status. By doing this you can find out the name and maybe some more information about the person.

So, keep reading and learn how to find out who owns someone's WhatsApp or cell phone number.

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Save the contact on your cell phone

There are some more practical alternatives to find out what that call or message from an unknown contact is about. In case you are very curious, just add the person's contact. Then send her a message, which could be a simple “hello”.

By doing so, your name will appear on the person's profile page. If you don't want to engage in any conversation, you can always use the “delete for everyone” function and pretend it was a mistake.

Search on specific search engines

If the person does not answer you, it is possible to simply call the number, asking “who is it?”. If even then this attempt is a failure, it is possible to play on search engines, with the person's initials, their profile picture, or using the person's own number.

This happens because she may have registered her number in some application or website, and therefore it will appear in searches. If you're lucky, you might even find out the company name and address.

Use caller IDs

Finally, as a last resort, it is always possible to use caller IDs, such as Truecaller and Whoscall. Using these identifiers, it is still possible to view your telemarketing calls and attempted scams.

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