King Louis V of France the Lazy

King of France (986-987) born in Laon, Aisne, last French king of the Carolingian dynasty. Son and successor of Lothair, he was crowned by his father (979), but did not assume the throne until after his father's death (986). His short reign was marked by his ineffectiveness and involved in disputes with Hugh Capet and Adalberon, Archbishop of Reims.
Married to Princess Adelaide, sister of Geoffrey Grisegonelle, Count of Anjou, he died early the following year, in Compiègne, after 11 months of government, victim of poisoning probably caused by his own mother Emma. Last Carolingian king, he died without heirs.
After bloody struggles, the Count of Paris Hugo Capeto, son of the Great Hugo Capeto, came out victorious for the throne, with the support of the Church and elected supreme lord by the nobles who ruled several independent provinces, giving rise to the Capetian dynasty and the France of today. This dynasty remained in power for more than eight hundred years with the branches of the Valois, Bourbons and Orleans and gave rise to the really known French kings.


Order R - Biography - Brazil School

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