10 attitudes that demonstrate a need for approval

We grew up with the idea that we need to be loved by everyone, we spend our whole lives seeking approval from other people. Whether at home, at work, at school or in a group of friends. The problem begins to happen when this need becomes constant. See now 10 attitudes that demonstrate a need for approval.

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Know the signs of needing validation from others.

An exaggerated search for approval compromises relationships. In fact, it gives more voice to our insecurities than actually to our qualities. Do you want to know what are the attitudes of a person who needs approval?

1. all about her

One way or another, this person will make matters become all about them. How she is the best, how she suffers the most or lives the most.

2. She needs people to be interested in her.

If she isn't the top 1 at that party, she won't be at peace. You always need to be wanted by people.

3. She needs wealth and reputation to have friends

Having money to spare or being popular in that environment is what brings the feeling of belonging.

4. She has a personality for every place

If her opinions change based on who and where she is, this is a serious sign that she needs everyone's acceptance.

5. She victimizes herself all the time

Everything bad happens to that person, but amazingly, it's NEVER their fault. She doesn't do anything to deserve experiencing all that, but constantly bad things happen and "it's not my fault".

6. Do absurd things to be accepted

In order not to be the annoying one or the “different one” of the crowd, she puts herself in risky places just to be the cool one in the group.

7. Apologize often

Apologizing often is a sign of low self-esteem, apologizing is a statement of “people will feel sorry for me”.

8. seek compliments

Compliments are never natural, they always try to instigate so that they receive positive comments about themselves.

9. Makes comments about others

In addition to making mean comments about other people, victims are close to her. That is, he lowers others so that he stays on top.

10. never say no

To maintain a good image, saying no is impossible. She does what people want or she'll think nobody likes her.

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