Did you know that sea creatures, powdered cream, raw meat and a few other bizarre objects have literally fallen from the sky? Incredibly, this actually happened in several places around the world. In today's article, we are going to bring you a list of the strangest items that came "from the clouds" to earth.
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List of objects that fell from the sky
Here are some of the strangest objects that have ever fallen from the sky:
1. sea creatures
In a Chinese city called Tsingtao, sea creatures with Cameroon and starfish fell from the sky along with hail. Several photographs showing the rain of marine animals went viral on social media. The phenomenon may have occurred as a result of a storm that hit the ocean and extracted the creatures from their natural habitat.
2. spiders
In the city of Santo Antônio da Plantina, in Paraná, a rain of spiders was recorded in 2013. Images of the exact moment circulated a lot on YouTube at the time.
3. toads
In 2009, in Japan, residents of a small town witnessed dead frogs and tadpoles fall from the sky. Because they are very light and small animals, frogs end up becoming victims of big storms. and strong air currents that reached the region, and therefore were dragged for long distances.
4. Raw meat
In the United States, there has been a downpour of raw meat, but specifically of chicken pieces. Scientists believe that the only theory that justifies such a phenomenon is an incident involving seagulls.
5. Blood
In 2008, it rained blood in Colombia. After some tests, it was proven that the substance in question was indeed blood. Scientists attribute the phenomenon to the dragging of desert sand or volcanic ash over a long distance.
6. Shark
A shark fell out of the sky in Southern California in 2012. Due to the fact that the animal was injured, many people believe that a bird would have removed it from the water and then released it.