Hepatic encephalopathy. Characteristics of hepatic encephalopathy

encephalopathy is the name given to diseases that affect the brain, causing perfusion, metabolism and neurotransmission disorders. Among the encephalopathies, the hypertensive, hypoxic-ischemic, metabolic, uremic, traumatic, Wernicke-Korsakoff, toxic and hepatic encephalopathy.

THE hepatic encephalopathy occurs as a result of the impossibility of liver to metabolize some toxic substances that end up reaching the bloodstream, reaching the brain, where they cause damage. The main toxic substance involved in the onset of this type of encephalopathy is ammonia.

This disease presents progressive character and, therefore, it needs adequate and early treatment. If discovered early enough, it is possible to preserve some brain functions. Diagnosis is usually clinical, analyzing symptoms and excluding other possible diseases. This type of encephalopathy is common in patients who present cirrhosis, affecting about 70% of these patients.

Liver encephalopathy can cause sleep and personality changes, motor and attention problems, reduced cognition, inappropriate behavior and even deep coma

. In some patients, the disease can still cause convulsions, lethargy, paranoia, euphoria, depression and disorientation. According to the severity of the symptoms, they are usually classified into five degrees, the 5th being the most severe, with the presence of a coma.

We can classify hepatic encephalopathy into three basic types: episodic, persistent or minimal. THE episodic form is one where symptoms last for short periods of time. THE persistent way, in turn, can be defined as that in which the patterns of consciousness change and there is no return to the normal condition. THE minimal hepatic encephalopathy it is the one that causes mild neuropsychiatric alterations, being considered a subclinical form.

In addition to the classification described above, it can be divided into type A, type B and type C. Liver encephalopathy of the type A is one that happens as a result of liver failure. O type B it is related to portosystemic deviations, that is, it is a type in which there is no hepatic cell involvement. already the type C it occurs as a result of cirrhosis and is the most commonly seen form.

O treatment of hepatic encephalopathy it varies from one patient to another, and medications are often adopted. The drugs used to treat this disease aim to reduce circulating ammonia rates. In addition to medications, nutritional therapy and liver transplantation may also be indicated.

By Ma. Vanessa dos Santos

Source: Brazil School - https://brasilescola.uol.com.br/saude/encefalopatia-hepatica.htm

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