How to Get a Second Copy of the Work Card?

A Employment and Social Security Card (CTPSIt is one of the most important documents for the worker, as it records the entire professional trajectory of the citizen. With this, all information about the place of work and length of service is available in the Employment Card.

In addition, the wallet also provides other information, such as:

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  • Admission date;
  • Salary received;
  • Length of Employment Relationship;
  • Payment of Unemployment Insurance;
  • Payment of PIS;
  • Vacation;
  • Employment leaving date.

With the registration of the data informed above, the worker has security to guarantee his labor rights, namely: unemployment insurance, retirement and Severance Indemnity Fund (FGTS).

If the citizen has lost his Work and Social Security Card or it has been stolen, it will be necessary to file a police report to avoid future problems. In this way, it is possible to avoid fraud with the data informed in the CTPS.

Second Copy of Work Card

For remove the second copy of the Work Card it is necessary to make an appointment through Ministry of Labor and Employment (MTE) website. However, online scheduling is not available for some Brazilian cities.

If your city fits this condition, you will need to travel to the nearest unit from the MTE or call the Alô Trabalho Central, through the number 158, to get more information.

Check out the Step by Step for Online Scheduling:

  • 1st step: Enter the MTE scheduling website;
  • 2nd step: Select the State and Municipality in which you want to issue the 2nd copy of the CTPS;
  • 3rd step: In “type of service” select “Issuance of Brazilian Work Card”, insert the security code shown and click on “proceed”;
  • 4th step: Choose the nearest unit and click on the calendar icon below “actions”;
  • 5th step: Select the desired date and time;
  • 6th step: Enter the requested data;
  • 7th step: Insert the security code and click on “Schedule”.

If the chosen unit does not have available dates for issuing the new CTPS, the date when the next vacancy will be available will appear under “actions”. That way, just enter the website on the date informed and follow the step-by-step instructions above.

Necessary Documents for Issuance of the 2nd Copy of the Employment Card

It is necessary for the citizen to present some documents to request and issue the second copy of the Work Card, being them:

  • Proof of address;
  • Original identification document;
  • Proof of Marital Status;
  • Document proving the number of the old Employment Card;
  • Employment Card (in case of poor conservation conditions or when the registration sheets run out);
  • Original Police Report (in case of theft, robbery, loss or misplacement of the CTPS).

Rescue of Old Records of the 1st Copy of the CTPS

If the worker needs to rescue the old records present in the lost work permit or stolen, just go to a Ministry of Labor and Employment office with the following documents:

  • FGTS payment receipt;
  • Proof of unemployment insurance received;
  • Homologation;
  • Vacation Receipt;
  • Paycheck.

It is important that the worker has the old professional information in the new card, in order to avoid errors in INSS calculations. In addition, the information will also serve to prove the period of work and experiences for former services provided.

See too: Can I Have Two Employment Records in the Employment Card?

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