Soon, it will no longer be necessary to create groups: WhatsApp will allow you to chat with yourself

In recent months, the Meta group has announced several news on whatsapp. Among the innovations of the platform is the possibility of hiding the so controversial 'online'. However, user demand for more privacy it only increases, and now Mark Zuckerberg's application will release a personal chat to deal with private matters.

Read more: Hide 'online' and leave groups silently: See changes in WhatsApp

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Goodbye groups with yourself

As it is not possible to talk to yourself in the application, users find new ways to circumvent this ban. One of them is the creation of groups with just one contact, to work as a calendar, backup, notepad and other utilities. However, you always need to add a contact to this group and then delete it for the technique to work.

WhatsApp users often do this because it's an easier and more practical way to access links, notes and even photos. So you don't have to consult multiple apps and notebooks to access the same information. It is a creative form of digital agenda.

However, although it is such an obvious tool, many manifest themselves on the social networks of the Meta group to ask for the creation of a personal chat within the application, which is still not possible today.

New feature long awaited by users

After releasing so many updates, the Meta group surprised the global community once again by announcing tests for the personal chat, in order to meet this user demand.

There is no date for the function to become available, however, the conversation will work as a normal chat, and will be able to be pinned, archived and even deleted. The idea is to function as if you were talking to a friend.

Thus, it will no longer be necessary to maintain several groups to register tasks, since the personal chat will fulfill this function. As the feature is being tested in the beta version of the application, in the coming weeks or months WhatsApp should release the personal chat option.

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