Gabon. Gabon Data

Gabon is a country located on the African continent, its territory borders Guinea Equatorial (to the north), Cameroon (to the north), Congo (to the east), besides being bathed by the Atlantic Ocean. (to the west). About 70% of its area is covered by tropical forests, where many animals, such as lions and elephants, live. The territory has large demographic gaps and is therefore sparsely populated – with a demographic density of 5.5 inhabitants per square kilometer.
Portuguese, English and Dutch exploited the country's wealth, in addition to having carried out the slave trade with the native population of Gabon. However, in 1886, the country became a French colony. Independence was only obtained on August 17, 1960.
Gabon's economy has oil extraction as its main source, accounting for 50% of the national Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and 80% of exports. The nation also relies on manganese production and agriculture – an activity developed by 60% of the local population. The country has the third highest per capita income on the African continent, however, the income distribution occurs between extremely unequally, as the elite concentrates the wealth generated by oil, and the majority of the population is poor.

Coat of Arms of Gabon

Data from Gabon:
Territorial extension: 267,667 km².
Location: Africa.
Capital: Libreville.
Climate: Equatorial.
Government: Republic with mixed form of government.
Administrative division: 9 provinces and 37 prefectures.
Language: French (official), Fang, Bantu.
Religion: Christianity, 89.5% (Catholics, 50.2%, Protestants, 14.5%, independents, 17.2%, others, 7.6%), Islam, 4.6%, others, 3.8 %, no religion and atheism, 2.1%.
Population: 1,474,586 inhabitants. (Men: 736,556; Women: 738,030).
Ethnic Composition: Fangues, 35.5%, Mepongues, 15.1%, Mebedes, 14.2%, Bapunus, 11.5%, others, 23.7%.
Demographic density: 5.5 inhab./km².
Average annual population growth rate: 1.8%.
Population residing in urban areas: 85.61%.
Population residing in rural areas: 14.39%.
Undernourished population: 5%.
Life expectancy at birth: 56.3 years.
Households with access to drinking water: 87%.
Households with access to a health network: 36%.
Human Development Index (HDI): 0.648 (average).
Currency: CFA Franc.
Gross Domestic Product (GDP): US$14.4 billion.
GDP per capita: US$8,481.
External relations: World Bank, IMF, WTO, UN, AU.

By Wagner de Cerqueira and Francisco
Graduated in Geography
Brazil School Team

countries - geography - Brazil School

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