Prison Education Program students win medals

A feeling of happiness is described by reeducated Mostafa Shokor, 33 years old, after conquering a silver medal in the 17th edition of the Brazilian Public School Mathematics Olympiad (Obmep). Three other prisoners also received bronze medals and 15 honorable mentions.

The Penitentiary “Cabo PM Marcelo Pires da Silva”, in Itaí, is part of the Education Program in Prisons (PEP) and has an important history in the test, as in 2017, when a Colombian prisoner, who was part of the unit, won a gold medal, being the first reeducate in the history of OBMEP to receive the award maximum.

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Shokor was well prepared for the assessment but expected a better outcome. He has goals for when he gains freedom, like reading more and going to college in finance.

The state secretariats of Penitentiary Administration (SAP) and Education (Seduc-SP) have encouraged the participation of inmates in the OBMEP, carried out by the Institute of Pure and Applied Mathematics (IMPA), with the objective of preparing them for the return to life in society. In all, 25,811 statewide registered for the 2022 race.

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