Minimum wage in 2023: learn more about the readjustments that will occur

O minimum wage It is the lowest amount, established by law, that an employer can pay its employee. Annually, the value of this salary is readjusted when assessing the cost of living of the Brazilian population and based on economic parameters. Check below the predicted value for the minimum wage in 2023.

Read more: Check out the new value expected for the minimum wage in 2023

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Minimum wage value in 2023

The Budgetary Guidelines Bill (LDO – PLN 5/22) for 2023 provides for a minimum wage of BRL 1,294, that is, an increase of R$ 82. This proposal was approved by the Plenary of the National Congress and is going to be signed by the President, and only after the approval of this Law will the final value be defined.

The estimate of the salary floor correction is based on the most recent calculation of the National Consumer Price Index (INPC) for the current year. Thus, so far, the expected readjustment is 6.7%. However, this value may change in early 2023.

Inflation impacts

The readjustment of the floor aims to guarantee the right to basic services – housing, health and food – for every citizen. However, in view of the current Brazilian scenario, it is known that with only one minimum wage it is not possible to have access to all these rights.

With this scenario in mind and to guarantee the purchasing power of Brazilians, the Constitution determines that the minimum wage must be above the inflation of the previous year. However, this readjustment is based on an estimate, and there is a forecast made by the Ministry of Economy that estimates a 7.41% readjustment.

In this way, the value of the national minimum wage for 2023 would change from R$ 1,294 (current minimum wage) to BRL 1,302, an increase of BRL 8 more than expected. However, this correction will only be released after the final calculation of the 2022 INPC, which is scheduled for early 2023.

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