Visceral Leishmaniasis: Treatment and Prevention. Visceral Leishmaniasis

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Visceral leishmaniasis, also known as kala azar, tropical splenomegaly and dundun fever, is a disease caused by the trypanosomatid protozoan Leishmania Chagasi. It is transmitted by vectors of the species Lutzomia longipalpis and L. cruzi; small-sized, light-colored mosquitoes that live in dark, humid environments with an accumulation of organic waste (eg, chicken coops). Its females feed on blood, preferably in the late afternoon, for the development of their eggs.

Infected people and other animals are considered reservoirs of the disease, since the mosquito, by sucking their blood, can transmit it to other individuals by biting them. In rural and forest regions, rodents and foxes are the main ones; in the urban environment, dogs play this role. As for this fact, we can understand it when we consider the proximity that these animals have with our species and that not all, when infected, show signs of the disease (slimming, hair loss and skin lesions).
Human individuals have long-lasting fever, weakness, emaciation and pallor as

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symptoms. Liver and spleen may have their size increased, as the disease affects these organs, and may also affect the bone marrow. O incubation period it is very variable: between ten days and two years.
Endemic disease in 62 countries, in Brazil there are about 3000 cases per year, with more than 5% of affected die about one or two years after the onset of symptoms: largely due to the lack of treatment.
For diagnosis, blood test for analysis of specific antibodies, puncture - with inoculation of the material in guinea pigs - or biopsy of possible affected organs are the main ways to confirm the presence of pathogen. O treatment it is made with specific drugs, distributed by the government in reference hospitals.
prevention measures and control have not yet been able to prevent the occurrence of new kala azar outbreaks. However, use repellents when in a region with cases of visceral leishmaniasis and properly store organic waste (in order to avoid the action of the mosquito), in addition to not using needles used by third parties, they are individual measures that reduce the probability of being contaminated. It is also worth mentioning that there are special repellents for dogs, preventing them from being bitten by Lutzomia.

Vector control and treatment of sick people are other important ways to prevent visceral leishmaniasis. As for infected dogs, many veterinarians recommend euthanasia, without emphasizing that there is treatment for the dog, although with reservations. This does not cure them, but promotes better quality and lifespan. However, not all animals can undergo such procedures, since the drugs used are significantly strong, which can put the individual's life at risk. Thus, treatment is indicated for those who have not reached old age and whose kidney is not compromised; as long as the owner is responsible for the continuity of the treatment (expensive and long) and promotion of specific care, guided by the veterinarian. Among such procedures, two very important ones are the weekly use of insecticides in the home, and the use of repellents on dogs, which prevent these animals from coming into contact with the mosquitoes that transmit the disease. Thus, it is noted the great and noble responsibility that the owner of a dog with leishmaniasis has to his animal and society.


Self-medication can have unwanted and unanticipated effects, as the wrong medicine not only does not cure, it can worsen your health.
By Mariana Araguaia
Graduated in Biology
See too:
Tegumentary Leishmaniasis

Source: Brazil School -

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