Lacraia (Genus Scolopendra)

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Kingdom animalia
Phylum Arthropod
Class Chilopoda
Order Scolopendromorph
Family scolopendridae
Gender Scolopendra

Centipedes, or centipedes, are Chilopoda class arthropods, usually found in moist soil, under tree bark, rocks, among others; in tropical and temperate regions. With nocturnal habits, they feed mainly on small arthropods, earthworms and worms: victims that they capture still alive, inoculating their venom in order to paralyze them.
With a segmented body (from 15 to more than 170 segments), they have a pair of legs in each one of them, with the last one having a sensory and/or defensive function. They also have two pairs of jaws, two articulated antennae, venom glands and a venom inoculating organ, called a stinger. In some families there are also sets of simple eyes or lateral ocelli.
Centipede venom is still little studied. However, it is known that proteins, lipids, lipoproteins, histamine, hyaluronidase, polypeptides and proteinases can be found in these substances. Edema, accompanied by instantaneous and intense pain, in some cases accompanied by severe fever, nausea and vomiting; are part of the symptomatology of accidents with these animals.

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For local pain relief, warm compresses can be applied, however, the use of analgesics must be done under medical prescription.
To avoid accidents with these animals:
- Clean the drains weekly, keeping them closed when not in use;
- Keep the grass always trimmed;
- Avoid accumulation of objects and materials in damp and dark places;
- Wear leather gloves and closed shoes when working in the garden or handling building materials;
- Avoid gaps and gaps, plastering walls and walls.

By Mariana Araguaia
Graduated in Biology

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