Workers will be able to withdraw the PIS/Pasep wage bonus based on 2019

In this month of June, workers will be able to carry out the withdrawal of the 2019 PIS/Pasep salary bonus. O benefit was initially paid to more than 20 million Brazilians in 2020, however, many forgot at the time or even did not know that they could withdraw. As a result, the federal government was able to authorize the withdrawal again in 2022.

Read more: Find out when the worker can receive the PIS/Pasep 2021 base year allowance

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PIS is passed on by Caixa Econômica Federal to employees of private companies, while Pasep payments to public servants are paid by Banco do Brasil.

Check now for more information about redeeming the value and what are this year's values!

Can I redeem the retroactive allowance?

To be entitled to PIS/Pasep 2019 assistance, the worker must meet all of the following requirements:

  • Have worked with a formal contract for at least 30 days, consecutive or not, in the year;
  • Be enrolled for at least 5 years in PIS/Pasep in 2019;
  • On average, having received up to two minimum wages in the month, in 2019;
  • Have data updated in the Annual Social Information List (RAIS) or eSocial.

How can I make the withdrawal?

Those who meet all acceptance requirements must apply directly to the Ministry of Labor to reissue the letter of credit. See how to apply for the PIS/Pasep salary allowance (2019):

  • In person, at the regional units of the Ministry of Labor;
  • By e-mail, sending a message [email protected] (replace “uf” with the abbreviation of the state where you live).

It is important to remember that the deadline to withdraw the amount is until the 29th of December. After that date, citizens will have to wait for the next calendar to make a new request.

And what is the value of the benefit in 2022?

This year, the maximum PIS/PASEP payment will be R$ 1,212.00. However, this value is only available for those who worked with a formal contract in the last twelve months. You can check the exact amount below (based on the current minimum wage):

  • 1 month: BRL 101.00;
  • 2 months: BRL 202.00;
  • 3 months: BRL 303.00;
  • Four months: BRL 404.00;
  • 5 months: BRL 505.00;
  • 6 months: BRL 606.00;
  • 7 months: BRL 707.00;
  • 8 months: BRL 808.00;
  • 9 months: BRL 909.00;
  • 10 months: BRL 1010.00;
  • 11 months: BRL 1111.00;
  • 12 months: BRL 1212.00.
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