4 cheapest international destinations that fit in your pocket

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Many people dream of a trip outside the country, whether for study, work or even tourism. However, the very high prices and the value of the Brazilian currency do not contribute to the realization of this desire. Therefore, we selected some of the main cheap international destinations for those who want to leave the country, but have little money. Check out the list we separated by continuing reading!

Read more: 4 tips to save on airline tickets during the long-awaited trip.

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How to travel on a budget

The secret to an affordable international trip is precisely to choose a destination that fits in your pocket. After all, big cities have a low cost of travel, hotels and meals, but planning is essential to discover this. Also, countries with devalued currencies will make your money yield much more.

Cheap International Travel

It is possible to have an experience of living in European or African countries at an affordable cost. In addition, we cannot forget the destinations in South America. This is because, in addition to the price, Brazilians have advantages, such as access to these countries, often without the need for a visa.

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  • Colombia

This country here in South America increasingly becomes the destination of many Brazilians, because in addition to the cheap price, it has many attractions. It is worth highlighting the Caribbean beaches, such as San Andrés and Cartagena, which attract tourists from all over the world.

  • Czech republic

Traveling to Europe can be a lot cheaper when you choose the right destination, and one of them is certainly the Czech Republic. This country has a great historical panorama with monumental constructions, such as the “Prague Castle”. It's worth the visit!

  • Egypt

Who doesn't dream of knowing the great breathtaking monuments that are in Egypt? Know that it is possible to visit the Great Pyramid of Giza, Memphis and even take a cruise on the Red Sea with little money. This is due, in large part, to the country's currency, which is quite devalued when compared to the real.

  • Peru

Finally, it is worth mentioning one more destination in South America that attracts tourists from all over the world. After all, Peru has some of the oldest constructions in the world that have been there since the times of the Incas and Aztecs. In this way, it is possible to know Machu Picchu and Lake Titicaca even with little money.

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