Tricks for smart Google searches

Surely you used Google at some point this week to do a search, didn't you? This is one of the largest research tools in the world and even so, it faces some problems.

Have you ever tried to search for a specific news on Google and had difficulty, or even couldn't find what you needed? This happens because the platform prioritizes some sites and materials over others, which can make your search difficult.

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To help you search faster and find exactly what you're looking for, we've put together some tips on how to improve results. Are you interested in this subject? Check this article until the end and learn these tips. Good reading!

Keep reading: How to block websites in Google Chrome?

Tricks for smart Google searches

Check out the top tips on how to do a smart search on Google below:

1. Make it explicit what type of file you are looking for

This tip is great for anyone who needs to find research and documents for studies or work. To activate this tool, type “filetype: pdf” in the search bar, and files on the subject in this format will appear. If you want to search for other formats, just change the file type after “filetype”.

2. use quotes

Google sometimes shows results that only contain one of the words you used in the search, and it's not always what you wanted. To avoid this problem, you can put quotation marks to delimit what you want to find, and the platform will only show results containing those words.

3. Make use of the image tool

Did you know that it is possible to get a lot of information from an image on Google? It is true! To access this feature, click the camera icon in the search bar and add the image or its URL to search. Thus, you will be able to know all information related to the image.

4. Search for specific websites

Google lets you search for news from sites you like. If you want to do this, type “site:” after writing what you want to find.

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