Cyclone formation in the south of the country causes climate change in the country

On the morning of last Friday, the 21st, a cyclonic vortex formed between the regions of Rio Grande do Sul and Uruguay. Through images captured by satellites, it became possible to observe some spiral clouds rotating clockwise over the state. This is a classic feature of this type of phenomenon.

Read more: What is the difference between typhoon, tornado, cyclone and hurricane?

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O National Institute of Meteorology (Inmet) left a warning about the expectation of wind gusts above 70 km/h from the South Region to the Southeast of the country, in Espírito Santo. The weather in the southern state has changed since Thursday, the 20th, when the presence of rain was recorded in much of the region.

Although it did not get out of control, the storm was strong and constant in some places. According to Inmet, the forecast is for “large volumes of rain, lightning and gusts of wind” in almost the entire country, except in the North and Northeast regions. The institute also stated that it is possible for hail to fall in some parts of Brazil.

Countries like Argentina and Paraguay are also being affected by climate change.

Cyclone and climate change updates

In the cityofRiverBig, more to southofstate, The rainit arrivedThe 46 mminjustsixhourson the morning ofFriday. O Hurricane if formedat first from the morning between the northwest of Uruguay, near the department of Artigas and in the extreme west of Rio Grande do Sul, in the regions from Uruguaiana and Quaraí.

It is worth mentioning that this cyclone is not intense, therefore it does not pose any risk to the population of the most affected areas. Cyclonic systems are considered common in our climate. The differential of this one in question is that it was formed on top of the state of Rio Grande Sul.

The cyclone brought the rains to the country

In many cities in the south of the country it will rain for a few days. There is even the possibility of alternating between sun and rain in some municipalities. In Porto Alegre, the state capital, the forecast is sunny with some cloudiness. In other words, people will deal with cloudy weather for a few hours.

The possibility of rain is also not ruled out by meteorologists.

In a large part of the state, the rains will be irregular, that is, some places in the north of Rio Grande do Sul will not even see a drop of drizzle. Despite all the climate change, the volume of water is considered low, with exceptions in isolated points in the west and south of the state. These parts will still suffer a little more from the cyclone.

Other states like Mato Grosso do Sul and São Paulo are at risk of being greatly affected, but nothing that could worry the population. According to Inmet, “the storms could still reach part of the states of Rio de Janeiro, Minas Gerais and Goiás”.

Lover of movies and series and everything that involves cinema. An active curious on the networks, always connected to information about the web.

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