Constipation is a very common intestinal discomfort among people and is usually linked to a deregulated diet. Being able to cause bloating, abdominal pain and even a bad mood, the way we eat has a lot of influence on our health and luckily. However, there are foods that fight constipation. Meet 5 of them now!
- Water
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First of all, we have water, as low consumption is a very common cause of constipation. However, increasing your intake can relieve constipation, as the intestine needs water to form stools and with dehydration, the body can only form dry and very rigid stools. Resulting in severe abdominal pain.
- Grape
In second place we have grapes, which are fruits rich in fiber and contain a lot of water in their composition, which helps in the regulation of the intestinal flora, collaborating with the constant trips to the bathroom. It is good to eat them in the shell after washing.
- Broccoli
Broccoli is rich in a substance that helps protect the intestine and aids in digestion, sulforaphane.
This substance also helps in the regulation of microorganisms present in the digestive system, preventing the excessive growth of this population, as these groups can disrupt digestion healthy.
- Litter
The apple holds several compounds that help in the fight against constipation, among them the fibers present in its skin, sorbitol, as well as the famous fructose.
In addition to a sweet and smooth flavor, the fruit has high levels of water. We recommend that they be consumed whole, raw and in the shell.
- yogurts
Finally, we have yogurts, which are rich in probiotics, “good” bacteria that help relieve pain. abs and to soften the stools, yogurts are great allies of those who want to improve their health intestinal. Being able to be ingested in different ways and at any time, yogurts are great alternatives in the fight against constipation.
extra tips
Maintaining a balanced diet and having a daily routine of physical exercises help in the fight against constipation. That's why it's very important to visit a doctor regularly and make sure everything is fine with your health.
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