Particolarità dei nomi: eccezioni. Name peculiarities: exceptions

Meaning: / Meaning: * “Parola che serves a indicare persone, animali, sew, idee, sentimenti, fenomeni, sensazioni, azioni, fatti reali or unali; It is variable per genere and number and d is anche detto sostantivo: concrete name, astratto, primitive, derivative, semplice, compound.” / Word that serves to indicate people, animals, things, ideas, feelings, phenomena, sensations, actions, real or unreal facts; it is variable in gender and number and is also called noun: concrete name, abstract, primitive, derivative, simple, compound.

*Definition withdrawn: Dizionario Garzanti di Italiano.

Come all’italiano alla lingua portoghese esistono eccezioni the ciò che si guarda alla formazione i gave nomi. Alcuni esempi sono i nomi indipendenti (priest/mother), i nomi di genere comuni (il giornalista/ la giornalista), i nomi di genere promiscuo (l'aquila maschio/ l'aquila femmina) ecc.. Osserva al testo gli esempi./Like in Italian, in the Portuguese language there are exceptions regarding the formation of names. Some examples are the independent names – coming from different stems (father / mother), the common gender names of two (the journalist / the journalist), Epicene names or nouns – names of animals that have a single grammatical gender to determine one and the other – (the male eagle/the female eagle) etc. Look at the examples in the text.

Sostantivi che formano il femminile in -That of a sostantivo maschile. / Nouns that form the feminine in ‘–essa’ from a masculine noun.

- Il dottore – La dottorThat / The Doctor – The Doctor

- Lo studente - La studentThat/ The student – ​​The student

- Il professore - The professorThat/ The teacher – The teacher

- L’avvocat – L’avvocatThat/ The lawyer – The lawyer

- The Prince - The PrinceThat/ The Prince – The Princess

Sostantivi di genere promiscuo / Epicene nouns

- Il falco maschio – Il falco femmina / The male falcon – The female falcon

- La giraffa maschio – La giraffa femmina / The Male Giraffe – The Female Giraffe

- La tigre maschio – La tigre femmina / The male tiger – The female tiger

- Il topo maschio – Il topo femmina / The rat – The rat

- La pantera maschio – La pantera femmina / The male panther – The female panther

Register: / Note:

È giusto anche scrivere: il maschio della tiger, la femmina del topo, il maschio della giraffa ecc.. / It is also correct to write: the male tiger, the female rat, the male giraffe, etc...

I nomi indipendenti / Independent names from different radicals

- Il fratello – La sorella / The brother – The sister

- L’uomo – La Donna / The man – The woman

- Il marito - La moglie / The husband – The wife

- Il toro – La vacca / The ox – The cow

- Il genero – La nuora / son-in-law – daughter-in-law

I sostantivi che hanno loosening unique form per il maschile and il femminile (singular and plural)/ Nouns that have only a single masculine and feminine form (singular and plural) - common of two

- Il / La cantante – I / Le cantanti (The singer, The singer – The singers, The singers).

- Il / La nipote – I/ Le nipoti (The nephew, The niece – The nephews, The nieces).

- L'agent – ​​Gli – Le/ Gli agenti (The agent, The agent – ​​The agents, The agents).

- Artist – Gli/Le artisti (The artist, The artist – The artists, The artists).

Nomi invariabili – sostantivi uguali che cambiano second meaning of gender / Invariable nouns – equal nouns that change their meaning depending on the gender

- Il capitale (soldi) – La capitale (città di a stato in which the seat of the government) / The capital (money) – The capital (city of a state where there is a seat of government)

- Il fine (scope) – La fine (il finish) / The end (goal) – The end (end)

- Il radio (chimico element) – La radio (radiophone apparecchio) / The radio (chemical element) – The radio (radiophonic device)

Nota bene!/ Pay attention!

È possibile accessare altri testi sull’argomento nomi. Vedi: “I nomi: number and genere”, “I nomi: number and genere - Special rules”. / It is possible to access other texts on the subject names (nouns). Look: "I name: number and genera”, “I nomi: number and genere - Special rules”.

Isabela Reis de Paula
Brazil School Collaborator
Graduated in Languages ​​with Qualification in Portuguese and Italian
By the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro - UFRJ

Italian - Brazil School

Source: Brazil School -

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